Each Sunday service is a blend of contemporary and traditional Methodist worship. You will experience the Word of God in scripture and sermon, personal reflection, prayer, traditional hymns & liturgies, vocal & bell choirs, instrumental ensembles, and the organ.
In addition the First United Methodist Church shares the Sacraments of Holy Communion held on the first Sunday of each month and at other appropriate times.
Nursery care is provided during the service along with Children's Sunday School. Fellowship time is held following the service and is offered each Sunday.
Planning Ahead
November 24th @ 7:00 pm
CHURCH OFFICE HOURS 8:30 am - 3:30 pm weekdays
Pastor Don Derryberry
First United Methodist Church of Sheridan Wyoming is a dynamic gateway for people to experience God's presence by Making God's Love Accessible through worship, study, fellowship, mission, and service by opening our hearts, minds, and doors to everyone.